Tag Archives: #iquitsugar



This past week has been a rollar coaster of emotions…. from giving up Sugar as part of i Quite Sugar, to starting different processes to understand the underlying issue as to why i am addicted to food (… as it is never the actual addictioin – it is the underlying reason for the addiction which is the killer) and then the monthly visitor which tells you that kids are not on the agenda for the next 9 months….F C U K it has been hard. I have been Angry, sad, anxious, teary, insecure, vunerable. I have not given into my sugar addiction – so that is a HUGE plus, i honour myself for feeling the feelings this week rather than stuffing them down with food, working long hours, flogging myself exercising etc etc etc… i have many ways of not feeling feelings….. but i have felt them… and it is all ok to feel the way that i do and have. . I have been dealing with some deep down and dirty secrets this week….

I started a power yoga class on Tuesday morning  and i LOVE IT. Coupled with my awesome yoga class on Thursday evening – it is the perfect compliment – the perfect balance.


Green and Growing


The past week i took the three days off between easter and Anzac today which gave a total of 10 consecutives days away from the office.  A LOT has been accomplished in this time… and most especially the following;

1. Plan of attack and support to elimating sugar from my diet. Small steps initially with the look to make this a lifestyle change rather than a diet only. HUGE Difference;

2. My relationship with my husband is simply much more fulfilling – as simply we both read – the 5 love languages and it has SERIOUSLY made a HUGE difference…already.. in such a short amount of time;

3. Stripping and painting the Door and Door Jam to our Bedroom – the bedroom is about to get made over with new wardrobes (has no wardrobes currently) and a bit of tarting up! It is currently quite bland and requries some love given to it!

4. Filled up my energy tank by meeting with and talking with MANY friends this past week…. as i said on Monday past – my life is full of abundance in respect to friends and if i ever feel/say that i dont have support – please slap me as there are many fabulous and supportive friends around me.

5. I shared my photos online this week – https://www.flickr.com/photos/lesleycross/ and it has encouraged me to further explore my photography and other creative outlets like sewing and mosaics;

6. I have found my mojo again….. its magical what happens when your love tank is filling up – how much more you want to do – how much more alive you become – how much more my life is so freaking awesome. My life is pretty freaking awesome!

Back to work tomorrow and i will take it as it comes. I promise i will be finding balance. I wont take on additional tasks without offloading some others. I will keep within a timeframe of work hours – unless absolutely freaking necessary. I will be exercising 3 times a week walking/Running/cycling etc and 3 times a week will be my home yoga practice. I cant handle extreme behaviour anymore as there is no pay off for any of it.

Please take a look at my photos and i hope you enjoy them as much as i do.


My name is Lesley and i am a ….


Sugar Addict. Yes. I am a sugar Addict. I am an emotional eater and the sweeter the better. I eat when i am happy. When i am sad. When i am bored. When i am excited. When i am confused. When i am procrastinating. Basically… my weapon of choice against myself is that i am an overeater with a preference for Sugar. Yes = i could stop – but much like any other addiction – it is an addiction. it has a hold on me. I crave it. I crave the energy hit, the comfort.

Although….how does this serve me? It doesnt and tonight i am drawing the line on this behaviour.

I have purchased Sarah Wilson – I Quit Sugar 8 week detox program and cookbook. This time knowing and being aware that i generally dont finish things = i will finish this. I am sick of feeling lethargic, bloated, moody, achey, stiff, limited etc. Whom wants to feel like that? Whom would want to live with someone whom feels like that. NO ONE!


Moving forward, i will using the 4 agreements to complete this lifestyle change – 1. Walk my talk (do what i  say i am going to do), 2. Dont take things personally (Dont eat when things get stressful), 3. Dont Assume – Ask (do my research on whats right for my body) and 4. do my best.

Tonight we are spending time with friends whom have are up to Week 7 of 8 of the I Quit Sugar Detox. I will be asking many questions and asking for support as i do believe that i need accountabillity when it comes to things such as this – although i do have to be kind to myself and nuture myself along the way. Nuturing myself is not my forte as i tend to people please and make sure others are ok before myself – but that is changing also. How am i to help others if i can not help/give to myself? I simply can not and will not continue down this path. My adrenal gland is depleted and the more i nuture myself – the more i will be able to fill my tank back up!

Let me know what you have done to change a Lifestyle that has not served you? What made the difference for you to stay on track?

Thanking you for allowing me to share how i feel. Thank you for reading x

Enjoy your Friday night!